domingo, 19 de junio de 2011

The Chilean Way to Educate

 The Chilean education crisis has lasted for too long causing that today secondary and college students are disappointed and annoyed with the poor quality of education.

I remember I was at school when there was the famous Penguin Revolution. Then, the fight was for free school pass, for reforms in education law and especially to improve the quality of public education.

However, after 5 years, protests, marches and sit-ins of educational establishments have raised again, but this time in search of more. Students have realized that education has become a source of profit, and an increasingly expensive good, almost a privilege.
Governments focus the public benefits just on the poorer people. The rich are wealthy enough to pay for education without public help. Meanwhile, the middle class also has to pay for education but without being so wealthy as the rich and not so poor to receive a substantial public help; so, they must obtain a bank loan with market interest rates to pay for the high cost of a decent education that allows them in the future, with an academic degree in hand, pay the great debt that they have incurred on.

Moreover, to enter to the traditional universities (the most prestigious universities in the country) is required to have a good performance on the University Selection Test, a test that measures how good the contents of the secondary level program have been learned. This is another challenge to the more disadvantaged economically, because only the better and more expensive schools pass the contents completely, which is a barrier that perpetuates the unequal entry to the best quality education.

Public schools, which are managed by the local administration (the municipalities), are the more affected by this system, because of the low financing, the bad infrastructure, the lack of human capital of their students, the bad quality of their teachers, and the binding restrictions of the bureaucracy for the good management. These conditions put the public schools in a big disadvantage relative to the private ones, which makes students from these schools, have no alternative than to go to the expensive private universities to be able to obtain a professional degree and have better economic perspectives than their parents’, therefore they have to debt enormously to pay for their future.

There are also other things that increase the discontent, for example, that the school tariff rate of public transport doesn´t extends throughout the whole year and that the school pass is not free. Also the last earthquake left school with structural damages that has not been repaired.
In short, students with their attractive and massive demonstrations are calling on the government, particularly the Minister of Education, Joaquín Lavín, to make an educational reform that becomes reality the education as a right and that finally solve all the problems mentioned above.

domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Between Books and Fantasy

There is nothing better than a rainy afternoon, hot coffee and a good book in hand.
Read scientific books, social, philosophical and other such certainly need to learn, but reading novels or stories for pleasure is really fantastic.

The literature allows me to use your imagination and enter a different world. Also, I admire the way he writes literary because it is very beautiful and unique depending on each author.
In my life reading books is like going back in time; when all audiovisual we now have available there was only thanks to the mental development of those artificial reproduce his own movie with just a few pages written.

I acknowledge that I am not a appellant reader of literature because to sit quietly and read a few hours, I need take the time that I give a the texts of the university. However, in winter and summer I have all the free days to recreate the mind, not to lose the habit of reading, but this time books to my taste.
I was very young I read literature. I remember my grandmother gave me the task of reading the books from school and when I had nothing fixed, she personally made ​​me read stories that were sometimes not understandable for my age.

I think before I read more literature than now, now read one to two books in one year. I miss those times when I would disappear and constantly traveled silently without moving to another reality.

In particular, I like fiction books, it's probably because since childhood I read books in that category. Enjoy the most were "Soloman", "Tales of None", "Like Water for Chocolate", "Papelucho", "Witches "and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”.

However, the best of all is the book that accompanied my passage from childhood to adolescence, "Harry Potter", I read every book just before the movie premiere. The writer J.K. Rowling is great because it captures the reader and forces him to not put the book down.
The last summer, in a month I finished reading the story of the magician and enjoyed it although I was sad to end my annual literary fun.
Briefly, in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”, Harry with his group of friends, teachers and students of Hogwarts are facing in the final battle with the dictator´s terrible: Voldemort. The power of love and friendship brought an end to evil and his troop of followers.

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

“The Penguin Revolution"

When I take the camera everything looks different, my view is clear and the little details become major, gestures begin to speak more than words while the reality is multiplied before my eyes. I enjoy taking pictures so much!
Also, since I'm studying journalism, I am interested in capture and immortalize the history-making events that are why I like one of the pictures that rescue “The Penguin Revolution".
The Chilean student movement who demanded educational reform and demonstrated a strong admiration for the traditional political. The large number of students in different parts of the country never imagined that would become an engine of social change and the focus of the lenses of photographers.
I like this picture because I was part of that revelation when I was at school and then I could feel the excitement and passion that united all the students for the same cause.

The picture shows to all young people marching as one great mass organized to take to the streets, moving towards a goal and seems haven't limits. For those days were identifying characteristics school immature and made ​​to fear.
Finally, it was strange the expectation of the public and the media about the movement because it really was a social phenomenon that marked a before and after in the Rebellions and was worthy of being photographed and remembered.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

I love cinema

I like to go to the cinema, even more when it’s winter. I enjoy eating pop corns and drinking sprite while the lights are off and the big screen catched my attention.

I go it quite, once every two months approximately. I always hope to premiere a film of my taste as romantic, of horror or some comedy.

My favorite romantic movie is the Notebook. This movie is about a pair of young lovers living a beautiful love of summer but they don’t know that to come of different social situations that eventually separated for a long time to finally meet again.

Likewise, a horror movie that I like is The Orphan because it is impressive. ¡No one would think that the little girl adopted is really an adult girl’s body converted in serial killer.

Finally, the comedy that I always see is Mean Girls. Its an old movie that I don´t get bored of seeing because there are many stereotypes, the actors are young and it makes laugh the thinks that the girls do for a guy.

I enjoy to go to the cinema, more when I'm with my boyfriend... I remember that my first date with him was at the cinema ♥
 In summary, for my the cinema is the ideal place for intertaintment and out of the routine.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Human computer of actuality

Although I'm not fond of  tecnology, life without it would be impossible these days.
I must admit that in internet, the email permits to be always conected with your social circle, facebook helps you to remmember important dates, twitter keeps us informed and google is a sea of knowledge at hand. Also the dvds are home movies and my mobile phone to performs diferent activitys like call and reproduce music.
However, I miss the days when I went to the library , I had not need to publish my private life and when we all valued the relationship.
Technology facilitates human life, but it has destroyed their nature social sense. 
These artificial relationships every day make us see men as machines discrediting something as simple as sharing.


domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Pets are Good Friends

 They go with you everywhere and without asking for anything in return…

I love animals because they live with the human beings in nature and they deserve everyone´s respect.
If I´m honest, I don’t like all animals. For example, rats are filthy and spiders fill me with fear. Personally, my favorite pets are dogs because they are loving, playful and friendly.

In my house I have two dogs, one of there is small and naughty, his name is Mateo and I consider that it´s my and my boyfriend´s son.
My other pet is Lukas, a dog old and fat but very beautiful because it´s with me since I was a child.

My dogs with me very often go for a walk and I think that they important part of my family.

The animals have rights, the main thing is that they live in naturals condition. Although to be in the zoo is wonderful, the animals are sad. Also, the animals should not be subjected to experiments because the animals like the humans also they have feeling.

To conclude, from small I would like to be butterfly because they are bright as spring and they enjoy intensely your short life :)

Carola Urrejola a Star Journalist

Carola Urrejola is a chilean journalist. She at 36 years old, she has worked in different media. In fact, she dedicated his life to the dissemination of information.
Carola is part of a new generation where the woman journalist plays a rol more participatory, more protagonist. So, she relates to things that happend with more natural manner.

She have style, her voice hoarse and seduction give her personality but at journalist don´t cares image, she prefers that the criticism be for your work.
 In general, the fair-haired of big blue eyes, according to news, believes that “the maxim misery in the world is the inequality between rich and poor”.

Carola studied journalism in University Diego Portales. She worked in Via X, a news program called “The Switch”, in the NGO of children and youth rights, in the radio Futuro with “words removed words”, radio Concierto and program of midnight in Chile´s National Television.

For more than four years she led the morning news program “In mouth of all” but now, she changed to program a “Teletrece Tarde” of Teletrece channel.  Also, every afternoon, Carola make a space of music in the radio Play FM.

Finally, I like she because she is a professional versatile that is developed perfectly in all kind of audiovisual media.

In the future, I want to be like her!!!