domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Between Books and Fantasy

There is nothing better than a rainy afternoon, hot coffee and a good book in hand.
Read scientific books, social, philosophical and other such certainly need to learn, but reading novels or stories for pleasure is really fantastic.

The literature allows me to use your imagination and enter a different world. Also, I admire the way he writes literary because it is very beautiful and unique depending on each author.
In my life reading books is like going back in time; when all audiovisual we now have available there was only thanks to the mental development of those artificial reproduce his own movie with just a few pages written.

I acknowledge that I am not a appellant reader of literature because to sit quietly and read a few hours, I need take the time that I give a the texts of the university. However, in winter and summer I have all the free days to recreate the mind, not to lose the habit of reading, but this time books to my taste.
I was very young I read literature. I remember my grandmother gave me the task of reading the books from school and when I had nothing fixed, she personally made ​​me read stories that were sometimes not understandable for my age.

I think before I read more literature than now, now read one to two books in one year. I miss those times when I would disappear and constantly traveled silently without moving to another reality.

In particular, I like fiction books, it's probably because since childhood I read books in that category. Enjoy the most were "Soloman", "Tales of None", "Like Water for Chocolate", "Papelucho", "Witches "and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”.

However, the best of all is the book that accompanied my passage from childhood to adolescence, "Harry Potter", I read every book just before the movie premiere. The writer J.K. Rowling is great because it captures the reader and forces him to not put the book down.
The last summer, in a month I finished reading the story of the magician and enjoyed it although I was sad to end my annual literary fun.
Briefly, in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”, Harry with his group of friends, teachers and students of Hogwarts are facing in the final battle with the dictator´s terrible: Voldemort. The power of love and friendship brought an end to evil and his troop of followers.

1 comentario:

  1. I read the book "Harry Potter and the deathly hallows" in 4 days.... I am a fan... I read this book in my computer, before that the book was published in spanish.... I read a "pirata" traslation.... Then I bougth the book and I read again...
