sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

Do You Know Something About Me??

mmmm.... I don't think so... so welcome to my personal blog ^^

My name is Tania González Lorca, I'm 19 years old and this is my third year of journalism here in this University. I love write thing about cultural, education and entertainment but I´m not expert written in english, so I'm going to do my best effort to make this good.
My intention with this blog is learn english in a entertainig way using internet, for example some pages like wordreference and put my coments in my classmates blogs and my finally intention is show you who really I am.

I like dancing, I enjoy sing but I'm not a singer, every day I cook more delicious dishes and salad and finally sometimes I'm inspired for make poetry...
If you have some filling for me... I'm sorry, because I'm madly in love to my boyfriend James ♥.

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