domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Pets are Good Friends

 They go with you everywhere and without asking for anything in return…

I love animals because they live with the human beings in nature and they deserve everyone´s respect.
If I´m honest, I don’t like all animals. For example, rats are filthy and spiders fill me with fear. Personally, my favorite pets are dogs because they are loving, playful and friendly.

In my house I have two dogs, one of there is small and naughty, his name is Mateo and I consider that it´s my and my boyfriend´s son.
My other pet is Lukas, a dog old and fat but very beautiful because it´s with me since I was a child.

My dogs with me very often go for a walk and I think that they important part of my family.

The animals have rights, the main thing is that they live in naturals condition. Although to be in the zoo is wonderful, the animals are sad. Also, the animals should not be subjected to experiments because the animals like the humans also they have feeling.

To conclude, from small I would like to be butterfly because they are bright as spring and they enjoy intensely your short life :)

Carola Urrejola a Star Journalist

Carola Urrejola is a chilean journalist. She at 36 years old, she has worked in different media. In fact, she dedicated his life to the dissemination of information.
Carola is part of a new generation where the woman journalist plays a rol more participatory, more protagonist. So, she relates to things that happend with more natural manner.

She have style, her voice hoarse and seduction give her personality but at journalist don´t cares image, she prefers that the criticism be for your work.
 In general, the fair-haired of big blue eyes, according to news, believes that “the maxim misery in the world is the inequality between rich and poor”.

Carola studied journalism in University Diego Portales. She worked in Via X, a news program called “The Switch”, in the NGO of children and youth rights, in the radio Futuro with “words removed words”, radio Concierto and program of midnight in Chile´s National Television.

For more than four years she led the morning news program “In mouth of all” but now, she changed to program a “Teletrece Tarde” of Teletrece channel.  Also, every afternoon, Carola make a space of music in the radio Play FM.

Finally, I like she because she is a professional versatile that is developed perfectly in all kind of audiovisual media.

In the future, I want to be like her!!!

sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

A Musical Experience

When I walking alone in a street I turn on my Mp3 and I feel the music is walking with my, the music make me felling free. The songs bring thing good and bad from my past. The music makes me scape from the reality only for a second. In this way I remember one song with special meaning, that is Yesterday of the Beatles. This was the first song in english that I learned.

I like different styles of music, for example I like pop, reggaeton, hardcore emo, ska, romantic, pop rock, pachanga... mm well ... besides there is some kind of music that I don't like for example the agro and metal because the voices are very strong, they are as screaming and you dont understand anything about they said , the instrument seem out of control!!! If  I think well I don't have a favourite singer or group that I like, but if a need to choose one I choose Avril Lavigne because her song are romantic and she has style or maybe Paramore because they are aggressive and his song are fabolous.

Lack of interest and short of money that are the reason why I never been in a concert however I'm a big fan of music because I always listening music in the radio while I study and in my Mp3 (music dowloaded from the internet)  when I travelled.

I don´t know how to read music but in the school I played sweet flute. The last year I try to learn how to play the guitar but I quit because is to dificult to me.

In conclusion, listen music is the first step for I to be a cultural journalist in the future.

Do You Know Something About Me??

mmmm.... I don't think so... so welcome to my personal blog ^^

My name is Tania González Lorca, I'm 19 years old and this is my third year of journalism here in this University. I love write thing about cultural, education and entertainment but I´m not expert written in english, so I'm going to do my best effort to make this good.
My intention with this blog is learn english in a entertainig way using internet, for example some pages like wordreference and put my coments in my classmates blogs and my finally intention is show you who really I am.

I like dancing, I enjoy sing but I'm not a singer, every day I cook more delicious dishes and salad and finally sometimes I'm inspired for make poetry...
If you have some filling for me... I'm sorry, because I'm madly in love to my boyfriend James ♥.